Have a look at this video for my take on how to win more bids, tenders, pitches and proposals. The branding is out of date now, but the message is still valid:

Obviously I don’t know what your win-rate is, but if it’s around 75%, ie you’re winning three out of four, that’s pretty good. You’d take that, wouldn’t you? Well, my average win-rate is 86%. What do I do to get my clients that extra 11%?
‘Market making’
I help my clients to front-load the bidding process. I go back to basics, helping them to:
- Nail their value proposition. Is their offer to the market clear, concise and compelling?
- Identify the organisations they want to work with, and the individual buyers in those organisations.
- Raise their profile with those buyers and get to know each of them.
- Understand their major headaches and propose ways to remove them.
- Rinse & repeat.
When that ‘must-win’ tender comes out, every member of the client panel must know, like and trust you and your organisation. That’s a strong position to be in. In the US they call this ‘capture planning’ or ‘capture management’. I call it ‘market making’ and very few organisations do it well.
Market making turns BD on its head: by front-loading and pre-empting the bidding process, by playing by your rules and not someone else’s, you tilt the playing field in your favour and take back control of the bidding process.
You win more and better business, on your terms and with less stress on your organisation.
Some of my clients