You work in professional services. Or you’re an SME (Small to Medium-sized Enterprise) or a start-up. And maybe English is not your mother tongue. Whoever you are and wherever you work, you need to be able to write well to engage your market, convince your boss, win over buyers, investors, staff or suppliers.
Are you a professional (eg lawyer, accountant, auditor, engineer, consultant)?
Then the written word is your stock in trade. You’re likely to issue reports, memos, method statements, client alerts, blogs, business cases, thought leadership papers, pitch documents, slide decks and, of course, emails — usually under pressure. You need to be able to produce documents that deliver. But maybe you’re unsure where to start, or you’re worried about grammar, or how best to structure large amounts of information or make your comms stand out. You’d like more confidence in your writing.
If you hold a senior position in a firm, you’re likely to sign off other people’s writing. But you’re fed up with correcting or re-writing their work, and you’re frustrated that clever people in your team are producing documents that don’t reflect their intellect.
Are you in professional services BD?
If your bid or pitch win-rate is flagging (or you’ve just lost a big contract), you might want help pre-qualifying opportunities, auditing your bid process, improving your team’s bid writing or honing your presentation skills.
Are you an SME, small business owner or start-up?
Five million SMEs say you’re the engine room of the UK economy, but you need to articulate an offer to the market that is clear, concise and compelling. Your words must engage people fast at networking events, pitches and presentations, business meetings and exhibitions. Too many eyes glaze over when you tell them about your business. You need to nail your pitch.
Ecrivez-vous Anglais?
If English isn’t your mother tongue, but it is the language you work in, you may want your written English to sound as if it was written by a native.
Whoever you are, whatever you do and wherever in the world you work, you’re in the right place. Here. To find out what you get when you engage Write for Results, sign up for the newsletter, read one of my books or check out our three lines of service.
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